she was like the fire
searing moments of electricity
carried in her purse
notes of the underground
writing scribbles in between the pages,
she knew the names of everyone she ever met
making small paintings on paper
swirling kaleidoscopes of thoughts and passion
the day always came when she left,
she took her heart on the road
met strangers
left donations
sat quietly on park benches
watching the days go slowly by,
very late in the day
she often thought she was Alice
loved to say
"go feed your head,"
loved to walk alone
in the forest
bringing back small animal skulls
she found along the way,
left the bones in her yard
drank Absinthe and sugar cubes
with a straw
smoked Cubans and blew smoke rings
out into the fog
I still love this poem. one of my all time favs. so wonderfully moody.
yea, one of my favs too.
Been calling this lately
Alice in Ice Cubes
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